With the increasing popularity of .NET Core development, we have released our .NET 5 version of DicomObjects. To users who are familiar with our .NET framework, this would seem like a subset of the existing toolkit with some limited functionalities depending on the features supported by .NET Core framework at the time of development which will be updated as the Core feature set grows over time.

1). The main differences in this version compared to the other fully supported toolkit versions we have (.NET Framework and COM/ActiveX) are:

  • DicomImage object is not available as there is no native graphics supported to represent “images” in the current .NET Core version. All the DicomImage associated methods (like Import, PrinterImage, SubImage, etc) won’t be available in the API.
    However, Bitmap method is supported with the help of System.Drawing.Common library, included in the package and on Linux libgdiplus library is required if you are going to be using the DicomDataSet.Bitmap method.

    Example installation on Ubuntu:
              sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus
  • DicomViewer, same as DicomImage is not supported because of graphics limitations in .NET Core framework

  • Another minor change you may notice is the spelling difference for objects like DicomLicence (which is still correct in this part of the world!).

  1. All other functionalities (network, I/O and non-graphical) are supported and should be familiar to our existing users. Video support has been added (since 5.0.5 build) with the help of FFmpeg library. The implementation is identical to our .NET Framework version if you are familiar with it, which deploys an FFmpeg.Adapter dll along with other native FFmpeg library dlls all included in the download package.

DICOMWeb is also fully supported for both client and server roles that handles the following DICOM RESTful services with the user option to use SSL 1.2:

  • QIDO
  • STOW
  • WADO Retrieve Native / Retrieve Metadata / Retrieve Rendered / Bulkdata
  1. Licensing is another topic that we have tried to be consistent with. All licensing models are supported and are identical to our .NET and COM versions, and easily accessible from DicomLicence.ActivateXYZ() overload methods.

Note: For Linux (mainly Ubuntu) and Docker deployments, net-tools packages would have to be pre-installed to get the machine’s MAC address that will be included in your MachineID generation process. Even more so for Docker deployments because containers have no way of getting the host’s hardware details, without passing it to the container at creation time.

Click here for more licensing information and for more details on please contact us at sales@medicalconnections.co.uk

Go to DicomObjects.NET Core Version page to get a copy and download sample projects.

This page will be updated regularly and we will be releasing the documentation for .NET Core soon. If you have any questions, contact us at support@medicalconnections.co.uk

(Last updated: 12/08/2021)