DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomServer Object / ListenSecure Method
The port number to listen on
The certificate (a CAPICOM certificate) to use to authenticate with the client
Whether to request the client to send its own certificate
In This Topic
    ListenSecure Method
    In This Topic
    Listen for secure (TLS) incoming assocations
    Visual Basic
    Public Function ListenSecure( _
       ByVal Port As Long, _
       ByVal Certificate As Object, _
       ByVal NeedClientCertificate As Boolean _
    ) As Boolean
    The port number to listen on
    The certificate (a CAPICOM certificate) to use to authenticate with the client
    Whether to request the client to send its own certificate

    This is the secure equivalent of the Listen method.

    Different ports must be used for secure and non-secure associations, as the security negotiation occurs before DICOM negotiation. The remote entity’s certificate is available for checking (as the RemoteCertificate property of the DicomConnection) during Associationrequest2 

    More than one port may be active simultaneously.  The listening sockets are all closed when the control is de-activated.

    Closing a “listening” socket has no effect on currently active associations that connected via that socket.

    Port is specified as a long integer, to avoid ambiguities in the range 8000-FFFF.
    If the specific option is used, then address must be either in dotted form, or a resolvable name.

    Note that requesting a client certificate does not guarantee that one will be sent.

    See Also