
Where it appears In the DicomObjects log file What caused Auto-Disconnection It’s caused by releasing the last remaining reference to a DicomConnection without first sending a status back to the remote end.


The GetUsingMove method is designed to allow C-MOVE to be used as easily and synchronously as C-GET from the COM version of DicomObjects, as many commonly available servers refuse to support C-GET, forcing use of C-MOVE.


RegSvr32 is the Windows utility for registering ActiveX/COM controls such as DicomObjects ocx.

Normally, if RegSvr32 is used to register an OCX, then any previous registration locations of the same object (as identified by internal GUIDs) will be over-ridden,

Deleting Files In Delphi

This is a Delphi specific problem (Believed to be solved in Version 7 and afterwards).