DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomConnection Object / Find Method
The query root
The identifier for the request
In This Topic
    Find Method
    In This Topic
    Send an asynchronous C-FIND request
    Visual Basic
    Public Sub Find( _
       ByVal Root As String, _
       ByVal dataset As DicomDataSet _
    The query root
    The identifier for the request

    The query to be performed is defined by the DataSet parameter, and this method is functionally equivalent to the DoRawQuery method of the DicomQuery object, except that it can operate asynchronously.
    Note that the QueryLevel value (0008,0052), must be included in the data set.
    Once the operation has completed, the result may be found in the ReturnedDataSets collection, and they may also be available during the operation – see the ActionUpdate event for more details.

    This method is particularly useful for “aggregating” servers, which may query several other machines, and return a unified results list to the user.  By keeping the operation asynchronous, other operations of the server are not interrupted.
    Where a query is being initiated “from scratch”, the QueryDataSet of the DicomQuery Object may be useful to create a suitable identifier dataset.

    See Also