We have to admit the term “Bitmap” is a bit confusing for most people. It is actually a DICOM term for “map of bits”, not the common Bitmap graph. What you have for label type Bitmap is a collection of dots, positions of which are specified in the Points property of that label object:

Say you want to create the following logo at the top left hand corner of the viewer using bitmap(/img/kb/DoBitMap2.webp)

DicomObjects.NET version

 DicomLabel mylabel = new DicomLabel();
 mylabel.LabelType = LabelType.Bitmap;
 mylabel.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.Image;
 int size, radius;
 size = 50;
 radius = size / 4;

 for (int p = 1; p <= size; p++)
	mylabel.AddPoint(p, p);     // diagonal line
	mylabel.AddPoint(p, 0);     // top line
	mylabel.AddPoint(0, p);     // Left hand line
	mylabel.AddPoint(size, p);  // Right Hand Line
	mylabel.AddPoint(p, size); // Bottom line

 // circle
 for (int p = 0; p <= 359; p++)
  mylabel.AddPoint((float)(radius * Math.Sin(p * Math.PI / 180) + size / 2), 
  		   (float)(radius * Math.Cos(p * Math.PI / 180) + size / 2));

DicomObjects.COM version

 Dim mylabel As New DicomLabel
 mylabel.LabelType = doLabelBitmap
 mylabel.ScaleMode = doLabelScaleImage
 Dim p As Integer
 Dim size As Integer
 Dim pi As Double
 pi = 3.14159265358979
 size = 50
 Dim Radius As Integer
 Radius = size / 4
 For p = 1 To size
  'diagonal line
  mylabel.AddPoint p, p
  'top line
  mylabel.AddPoint p, 0
  'Left hand line
  mylabel.AddPoint 0, p
  'Right Hand Line
  mylabel.AddPoint size, p
  'Bottom line
  mylabel.AddPoint p, size
 For p = 0 To 359               
  mylabel.AddPoint Radius * Sin(p * pi / 180) + size / 2, Radius * Cos(p * pi / 180) + size / 2